Customers holding fruits and vegetables

Manufacturers around the world work with the product! To increase the quality of their production and add added value to their supply chain to…
Improved flexibility in harvest time: Choose later for better taste and more weight.
- Extend the shelf life
Increases access to global markets. - Increases longevity and freshness.
- Reduces shipping damage.
- Protects against unplanned temperature interruptions.

- New product suppliers are looking for ways to continuously improve the quality of their products.
- Increase product durability and quality
- Availability
- Reduce waste from transit, packaging and delivery to the end customer.

retail seller
Retailers are constantly challenged by the growing demand for quality freshness, while being sustainable for our planet by reducing food waste. It’s fresh! Retail helps your target.
- Improve, increase quality
- Reduce in-store waste
- Increase store sales
- Increase customers
- Reduce customer complaints